
5.1.0 - How do I find my symbol? I know what I want to look at, but I don't know the symbol.

With RealTick's SymbolGuide you can search for a company name. If the name is found, you will be able to see the symbol(s) for that company.

Note: We only have company names for symbols if our data sources send us those names. Our sources do not send company names for every symbol.

How to use the Symbol Guide

5.2.0 - How do I find the symbols for the market statistics on NYSE, AMEX or Nasdaq?

  1. Open a MarketMinder and press F10 on your keyboard. You can also right-click on the MarketMinder, select Show Windows, and then Tree Navigator. A panel will appear on the left side of the Minder.
  2. Click on the plus sign next to "TAL Tree" to expand the tree.
  3. Click on the plus sign next to "TAL Market Statistics" to view a listing of statistics by exchange.
  4. Double-click on the exchange name to bring up a list of available statistics in the Minder portion of the window.


5.3.0 - How do I get a list of the top gainers / losers on NYSE, AMEX or Nasdaq?

1. Open a MarketMinder and press F10 on your keyboard -- or right-click on a MarketMinder, select Show Windows, then Tree Navigator. A panel will appear on the left side of the Minder -- the TAL Tree. 

2. Click on the plus sign next to "TAL Tree" to expand the tree. 

3. To view data for NYSE or AMEX, click on the plus sign next to "Listed Stocks," then select the exchange and the session ("Primary Session" refers to normal market hours).

4. Double-click on the information you want to see (Gainers, for instance).

5. To view data for Nasdaq, click on the plus sign next to "OTC Stocks," then select the session ("Primary Session" refers to normal market hours).

6. Double-click on the information you want to see (Gainers, for instance).

5.4.0 - How are RealTick Symbols Formed?

Symbol Format Guide

The following is a general guideline to how RealTick symbols are formed.

Symbol Formats Table for the Service Bureau

Instrument Leader Symbol Format Example
Common Stock


Stock Symbol IBM
Preferred Stock


Stock Symbol,- ARM-


Stock Symbol,+ AM+
Stock Option


+, Stock Symbol, Expiration Month and Strike Price Code (two-letter short form) +IBMAT
Future, Regular Trading Hours


/, Future Symbol, RTH Expiration Month Code, Year Code /SPU6
Future, Night Trading Hours or 24-Hour


/, Future Symbol, Night Expiration Month Code, Year Code /SPP6
Future Option


-, Future Option Symbol, Expiration Month Code, Strike Price -PGU96


$, Index Symbol $INDU
Corporate Bond


(, Bond Symbol, Marturity Code (DUKA02
Street Smarth; Government Bond


(, Bond Symbol (TB1Y
Money Market Fund


Fund Symbol, XX AIMXX
Mutual Fund


Fund Symbol, X AAINX

5.5.0 - How to use the Symbol Guide.

How to use the Symbol Guide 

You can access the Symbol Guide either by pressing F12 on your keyboard, or by going to the Help menu and clicking on Symbol Guide.



This drop-down menu allows you to do five types of searches:

Ticker Symbol
Chain Search
External Symbol [i.e., RIC/Bloomberg code)

Type in the search pattern in this field.

You can use this drop-down menu to narrow your search to a specific exchange.

You can use this drop-down menu to narrow your search among instrument types (e.g., Index, Future, Warrant).


  1. Change the Search Type to represent the information that you already know.  For instance, if you don't know the ticker symbol, but you do know the company name, your search type should be Name.
  2. Type in the information that you know.  For instance, if you only know that the company name is Google, type in GOOGLE.
  3. If you know the exchange or instrument type, you can select those in their respective drop-down menus.
  4. Click the search button.
  5. Once you have a symbol in the Symbol Guide, you can click on it and drag the symbol to another RealTick window.


If you only have the first few letters of a symbol (or company name, etc.), you can enter in what you know, and then type in an asterisk.  If you're doing a Name search on GO*, for instance, you will get every symbol whose name begins with GO.

If you know how many characters are in the pattern, but not the entire pattern, you can put a question mark for each character that you don't know.  For instance, if you are looking for a symbol that is four characters, of which the first two are GO, you can do Ticker Symbol search on GO??.